May 22Liked by Jim Bob Moore

Don't you just wish some Zeus-like entity would swoosh down and slap the living shit out of all those bigots?

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It would be a joy to watch, but it's up to us to do that job and I am worried that this state and the rest of the country are not up to the task.

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May 22Liked by Jim Bob Moore

So true. Hopefully, us non-sleepers are enough.

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What does Danny hope to get out of this? He's damn sure not VP material. Just enjoys the cosplay I guess. Closing arguments next week, wonder how long before we get a verdict? Of course tRump will appeal, so on it will go. On and on until we get tired of hearing about the bloody bastard. That's his plan isn't it? He wants to hammer us into monotony. Untill we're asleep at the switch just like he was at this trial. I'll be fully awake on election day tho, and 'ol sleeping fartus can count on that!

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He just likes to posture and play tough guy. Being on TV makes him happy. Like Bob Bullock, he hopes his "skills" get recognized and there is some national acclaim or a role for him in the future. But he's just a strident fool talking to extremists whose days, I believe, are numbered.

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I think Dan Patrick has designs, however modest, on some role in Washington, Deceit, after a Trump Restoration. He's been Lite Guv for nine years now and there's no danger he'll be removed. There's nothing more for him to do in Texas; he's emasculated the Senate and he's getting bored toying with it.

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To the point!

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The Texans certainly have flocked to New York to bend the knee. Paxton, of course; Dan Patrick. The ludicrous trio of Chip Roy, Ronny Jackson and Troy Nehls. And other D-listers, I'm sure. To what end?

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