May 26Liked by Jim Bob Moore

Yes. It is the children who endure the wrath of war. As a spouse I recognize the hurt, physically and emotionally,

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Today the flag is flown for them. No politics. Not upside down or blue and black striped BS, no other banners or statements to waft in a hot breeze. Just for them, to say we do not forget and we'll always be thankful.

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Thank you Jim.

Your story speaks of more than just Johnny Mata and his family. It brings home the stories of thousands of families. Mothers, fathers, wives and children and the damage the lies our politicians tell can do. Oh, the patriots, I feel so sorry for them. Called to duty and honor. Once upon a time a long time ago, before I was born, that meant something. Now, I don't know what they think.

Thanks to you Jim I'll lower my head in prayer Monday, not just for the patriots, but also for the children who leave notes.

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Thanks, amigo. Your sentiment is the right one, I think. The dead are unbothered. But it's the children living their lives without a parent who endure the wounds of war, perhaps, even more than spouses. I am touched that you'd share this thought, and I hope others do as you tomorrow.

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Thank you. I too am a “survivor” of the 60s. I spent ‘72 and ‘73 in Southeast Asia. My UT college roommate, a good friend from USAF flight school and two friends from my last squadron breathed their last in foreign countries following the orders of their Commander in Chief. The wives and children left behind deserve our respect and love especially on Memorial Day.

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