Jul 28Liked by Jim Bob Moore

Well done This is a great article!

It covers the greed and cruelty of Greg Abbott against those seeking a better life! He is maiming and killing people to put on a show!

Thanks go to the Republicans in the House of Representatives, who voted down a bipartisan Border bill from the Senate, at the insistence of the former President and crook, Donald Trump!

He wanted it to be a continuing issue, during his campaign for President!

The bill would have been the most comprehensive bill to pass Congress in over 30 years! It contained almost all the things requested by the Border patrol, (pull it up and take a look for yourself)!

It would have stemmed the flow of migrants seeking asylum from six years to six week’s, while retuning many immediately!

It would stopped Greg Abbotts and his out of control militia reign of terror at the border!

Abbott must go, he is a sadistic crook, who is robbing the people of Texas, with the exception of the ultra wealthy, large corporations and always big oil and gas, who keep his pockets lined, to meet their needs! Run these criminals in government, out of Texas!

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Thanks, CD. I am hopeful that Harris and the Democrats point out repeatedly that Trump and is party blocked the passing of the most comprehensive immigration bill in the modern era. It should matter.

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Oh they do at eve very opportunity they have!

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Thank Jim Bob, I am familiar with your thoughts, through another friend, DeeceX.

Keep up the great work and I will spread your words!

There is a strong link of corruption between the actions of Gov. Abbott Texas and the Donald Trump ongoing corruption, (many people increasing their wealth by doing the bidding of powerful movers and shakers once we defeat Trump in November, then we can focus then I can focus 💯 on Abbott and friends!

As I write this, Air Force One, is landing in Austin to bring President Biden, to the LBJ Library, to delivery an early planned speech, (because DJT, got a Nick from a bullet aimed at him in PA)! Biden acted Presidental and called to check on the jerk. and delayed planned events, (It’s called decency and respect, something Trump has none of)!

It reminded me of a gathering when I was around 13, at the former Bergstrom AFB to greet President LJB, landing in his Jet Star, on a trip back home. coming home to visit.

I was with my Mom, Dad, my Aunt Mert and my grandmother, Mary Katherine Johnson-Fowler, (my mother carries her name)! I am a Johnson descendant! My Grandmother and LBJ were cousins. She was there in Austin to say hi to him and tour his plane. She was so excited to see him. That’s my Texas History for now.

Keep up the good work, I will keep following!

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Excellent analysis. Abbott should be in prison.

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Thanks, Mick. I hope, at a minimum, political justice is coming his way.

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Jul 28·edited Jul 28Liked by Jim Bob Moore

It is time for Texas to be free of Abbott and his den of thieves. When you vote and lead with hatred, this is what you get.

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I keep hoping there will be a majority who has had enough. But when?

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I know that I'm considered weird, but in the metaphysical community there's a belief that these characters are desperately fighting a declining paradigm and that's the reason for their abhorrent behavior. But the shift is happening whether they like it or not.

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Maybe there is some karma involved, too. Who knows? But the power to rid ourselves of these evil bastards is in our hands and if we don't take advantage of it, the paradigm will shift even further in the wrong direction.

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I agree!

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Jul 28Liked by Jim Bob Moore

Great article! Appreciate the background and the continued evidence that Abbot needs to go!

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Thanks, my friend. I hope people are running out of tolerance for him, too.

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Jul 28Liked by Jim Bob Moore

Regarding "...patent Rhinoceros shit," a pungent reference to the MAGAT argument about illegal aliens voting against Republicans, Rhinos drop about fifty pounds of manure a day. According to the International Rhino Foundation, "Black rhinos have communal dung piles called “middens” which are message stations for other rhinos. A rhino will sniff the pile deeply, shuffle through it, then defecate in the same spot." I enjoy the realization that Republicans sniff a pile of dung statements that they create, shuffle through it to establish its essence, then add to it with more of their shit. Therefore, I thank Mr. Moore for, once again, adding to my knowledge of these shit-assed Republicans, especially our most redolent Texas versions.

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I was confident I could expect an ethnology of Rhinoceros shit from you, bruh.

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Jul 28Liked by Jim Bob Moore

Thank you for exposing Abbott’s outrageous political policy for not only that it’s completely ineffective but is also making Texas residence pay for it! How this fool has gotten away with this for so long without public outrage is beyond belief. Just a casual observation would tell one that the immigrant slow down never happened under Abbott’s multimillion dollar operations, that it was only after the Whitehouse stepped in strong that it stopped! Now you certainly make the argument that the Biden administration was slow out of the gate, but republicans shouldn’t complain, it gave them the opportunity to make headlines and a club to hit Biden with. Had Abbott wanted to do something constructive to actually stop the migrant influx he would have worked with the Biden administration to do so WITHOUT COSTING THE STAE MILLIONS OF WAISTED DOLLARS for political STUNT!

But as I always say, it’s the voters of Texas that are to blame in the end. You get what you vote for and we got it good.

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Thanks for the note, Mike, and the observations. But to be clear, it is billions, not millions. He has spent $13 billion now on Operation Lone Star. It’s absurd.

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How can Abbott look in the mirror every morning? Maybe he doesn’t see anything…? Vampire??

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