Jim Bob, an inspiring story. I truly find myself so pessimistic at times I don’t want to think about the country I have loved for nearly 77 years. As I’ve commented to other Substack authors, the attack on our judicial system with some of it based on an accurate analysis has been the hardest to absorb. I recently retired after 45 years as a civil and occasional criminal trial attorney that daily worked in our jury based trial system. The “right” to a trial by our peers is mentioned more times in our Constitution than any other right. Lawrence Berry was one of those peers who throughout our nation’s history saved us from the “Pepe’s” of our country. To now see the attacks on jury trials, the jurors and the trial judges exercising this right for our citizens - facing slander at best and physical retaliation at worst is truly disturbing to me. If we make it through these times, it will be because of those who remember our history and remind us of it daily. Thank you for being one of “those.”

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Laredo, half a century ahead of the rest of the country! Who woulda thunk? But then, there's still the likes of henry cuellar.

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