“Government remains the paramount area of folly because it is there that men seek power over others - only to lose it over themselves.” - Barbara Tuchman, Author, The Guns of August
No idea what in the hell is to become of our country, especially after what happened last night in Colorado Springs and all the other acts of hate we spread.
Thanks, John. Funny you should mention Baldwin, I just picked up an old copy of "Go Tell it on the Mountain," and thought it was the perfect companion to U.S. Grant's bio written by Ron Chernow, an epic I just finished. It is odd that both men were shared visionaries of a better kind of America and here we are all these decades later in a spot that feels no closer to who and what we should be. Thanks again for taking the time to read.
Since it appears we'll have another two years at least of trump inspired absurdities, I submit for your use the following list assembled from the New Yorker, the NYTimes, and others:
Thank you, James for the refreshing suspension of those when they go low we go high shackles. The next two years portend a bumpy ride to nowhere, considering the smoking productivity of the $7.8 million Benghazi hearings, with their two primary revelations: 1) Hillary's emails and private server posed absolutely no threat to national security and 2) Chairman Trey Gowdy's head will always be the precise shape and color of the Xanax tablets that must have at least tripled in sales as the farce drudged on. As for the party's unrestrained rainbowphobia, Gym might look appropriately dashing in a straight jacket. Just sayin'.
love the Tuchman quote, my friend.... reminds me of Lincoln "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power." As to the crazy condition of the country these days, James Baldwin saw it coming, “It is certain, in any case, that ignorance, allied with power, is the most ferocious enemy justice can have.” Only ignorance can animate such hate and in an era during which education has been abandoned for indoctrination and wisdom for expediency... we're on a downward trajectory. Once again, a wonderful essay.
No idea what in the hell is to become of our country, especially after what happened last night in Colorado Springs and all the other acts of hate we spread.
Thanks, John. Funny you should mention Baldwin, I just picked up an old copy of "Go Tell it on the Mountain," and thought it was the perfect companion to U.S. Grant's bio written by Ron Chernow, an epic I just finished. It is odd that both men were shared visionaries of a better kind of America and here we are all these decades later in a spot that feels no closer to who and what we should be. Thanks again for taking the time to read.
Since it appears we'll have another two years at least of trump inspired absurdities, I submit for your use the following list assembled from the New Yorker, the NYTimes, and others:
trump ninknames:
The Absolute Fuktard
Bloated Prince of Prostitutes
Humpy Dumpy
The Lump
the Grifter
El Douche’
Eye of the Horus Child
Trump The Clown Prince
Emperor Zero
Poor Desperate Lyin' Crooked Donald
Cheese Cake
Cracker Barrel
the Cheeto-in-chief
Bozo the Orange Clown
The Orange One
Agent Orange
Orange Faced Clown
The Orange Thang
The Orange Dimwit
The Orange Puppy Dog
Orange Maniac
Orange Satan
Orange Jeebus
Comrade Orange
Orangey the Clown
The Huge Orange Grifter
Chief Tang
the Marmalade Master
Turd Production Facility Trump
President Reneger
President Dopey
The Imbecile In Chief
Hamberdler In Chief
Der Tweetster
Donnie Dictator
Don the Con
Donald B Gass
Bankrupt Donnie
Agent Trump
Benedict Donald
Treason Yam
Traitor Tramp
Liar in Chief
Apprentice Presidunce
Bouffanted Buffoon
The Buffoon in the WTF House
Dotard Trumpet
Desperado Waiting For a Brain
Caesar Trump
Chancellor Squirrelface 45
.....and finally, simply: Тяцмр
My favorite is Fuktard
I hope Jim notes such an appreciated appellation.
We’re living the longest episode ever of The Twilight Zone. (Post baby boomers may have to Google Twilight Zone.)
The opening quote about "Power over Others" just says it all.
Sad state of reality for this country. Holding onto a hope and a prayer. Thank you for the work going into this piece.
Thank you, James for the refreshing suspension of those when they go low we go high shackles. The next two years portend a bumpy ride to nowhere, considering the smoking productivity of the $7.8 million Benghazi hearings, with their two primary revelations: 1) Hillary's emails and private server posed absolutely no threat to national security and 2) Chairman Trey Gowdy's head will always be the precise shape and color of the Xanax tablets that must have at least tripled in sales as the farce drudged on. As for the party's unrestrained rainbowphobia, Gym might look appropriately dashing in a straight jacket. Just sayin'.
love the Tuchman quote, my friend.... reminds me of Lincoln "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power." As to the crazy condition of the country these days, James Baldwin saw it coming, “It is certain, in any case, that ignorance, allied with power, is the most ferocious enemy justice can have.” Only ignorance can animate such hate and in an era during which education has been abandoned for indoctrination and wisdom for expediency... we're on a downward trajectory. Once again, a wonderful essay.
Whoops, just came across another list of trump names and worthy of its subject:
Klan Chowder
Turd Reich
Mayonnaise Sculpture
Public Access Caligula
Hospital Laundry
Calamari Lips
Pariah Carey
Chicken Littlehands
Traitor the Hutt
Full Diaper
Lumbering Garage Barge
Daddy Nobucks
Macaulay Sulkin’
Illiterate Nero
Resting Crime Face
Census Whitener
Charm Vacuum
Grabby Wan Kenobi
Kremlin Debt
Friendless Urinal Cake
Quisling of Queens
Crime Champ
Dumb Sauron
Summa Cum Fraud
Ass Menagerie
Baby Whisper Skin
White Pride Piper
Flesh Cavern Turkey Throat
Community Theater Strongman
Idiot Kristallnacht
Honey Baked Flim-Flam Man
Whopper with Crime
Treason Weasel
Late Stage Anakin Skywalker
Piece of Fucking Shit
(That last one should be Mister Piece of Fucking Shit.)
But what about Her emails?! <sigh> 😵💫