(In the same week that Americans remember the men and women whose military service has kept this country free, especially those who sacrificed their lives, we elected a man who has publicly said he wants to be a dictator.
I still, since Tue, feel like I don’t even know where I live. Many are blaming the Democratic strategy, the candidate, her plan, past statements, and Monday morning quarterbacking as if this was a contest between two parties and normal conservative vs progressive candidates. IT WASN’T. Trump spelled out who he is, what he wants to do, who he hates, and it was all even blurbed on the local tv news, and nobody gave a shit. I’m in a foreign land.
Though Veteran's Day is for all American military veterans, I do think of it more for those who earned their Combat Infantry Badge, (now including the Combat Medical Badge, Combat Action Badge, and Combat Action Ribbon). The CIB is a three inch metal bar showing an 18th century Springfield musket resting on a wreath of oak leaves, always worn at the top of the uniform's left breast pocket above all other ribbons of award and duty. Created during WW2 and thenceforth, it represents active combat.
For me, it's hard to take in the full meaning of an Arlington's field of even spaced white headstones, or a list of names on a black granite's memorial wall, or the photos of the young men etched in a monument on the shaded grounds of St. Mary's Assumption. But those active combatants did, and do understand such meaning.
My neighbor, angry at the recent election, wants to burn the American flag in protest. It is his right to do so. I'm angry as well, but I asked him not to. It's not that I believe it's possible attain the ideals the flag represents. Those who fought beneath its banner, mostly for reasons beneath its ideals, were in harm's way, no matter the politics or other bullshit. The reasons are myriad and difficult to grasp, much like the ideals of the flag itself. What I do know, however, is that on Veteran's Day many places will fly or hang the flag. More importantly, many graves will each blazon a small American flag. So, for them, I shall fly the flag.
I think one of the first things the Democrats need to do is take back the flag, more fervently express their love of country and its aspirations, and not let conservatives claim the banner. There is neither Democrat nor Republican in a Foxhole.
I still, since Tue, feel like I don’t even know where I live. Many are blaming the Democratic strategy, the candidate, her plan, past statements, and Monday morning quarterbacking as if this was a contest between two parties and normal conservative vs progressive candidates. IT WASN’T. Trump spelled out who he is, what he wants to do, who he hates, and it was all even blurbed on the local tv news, and nobody gave a shit. I’m in a foreign land.
Another country, not my own.
Though Veteran's Day is for all American military veterans, I do think of it more for those who earned their Combat Infantry Badge, (now including the Combat Medical Badge, Combat Action Badge, and Combat Action Ribbon). The CIB is a three inch metal bar showing an 18th century Springfield musket resting on a wreath of oak leaves, always worn at the top of the uniform's left breast pocket above all other ribbons of award and duty. Created during WW2 and thenceforth, it represents active combat.
For me, it's hard to take in the full meaning of an Arlington's field of even spaced white headstones, or a list of names on a black granite's memorial wall, or the photos of the young men etched in a monument on the shaded grounds of St. Mary's Assumption. But those active combatants did, and do understand such meaning.
My neighbor, angry at the recent election, wants to burn the American flag in protest. It is his right to do so. I'm angry as well, but I asked him not to. It's not that I believe it's possible attain the ideals the flag represents. Those who fought beneath its banner, mostly for reasons beneath its ideals, were in harm's way, no matter the politics or other bullshit. The reasons are myriad and difficult to grasp, much like the ideals of the flag itself. What I do know, however, is that on Veteran's Day many places will fly or hang the flag. More importantly, many graves will each blazon a small American flag. So, for them, I shall fly the flag.
I think one of the first things the Democrats need to do is take back the flag, more fervently express their love of country and its aspirations, and not let conservatives claim the banner. There is neither Democrat nor Republican in a Foxhole.
A beautiful tribute to the boys of PRAHA! Too soon people forget because they never lost anyone, it can happen again and we won’t be prepared!