I’m afraid we’re stuck with him. Like Ruth Bader Ginsburg, he’s stayed too long. And with the electoral system we have it doesn’t take a majority of voters to elect a president, and unfortunately low information voters vote.

I’m hoping for the best but fear the worst, and it’ll be beyond worse this time.

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I couldn’t disagree more. I like the last 4 years for the most part, , and I would like to continue its trajectory. I give the American people more credit than to vote for a pathological, lying, narcissistic nazi who is also a convicted felon and sexual predator. The debate was not a good idea. I think switching candidates is a worse one.

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Biden has been a great president. And I would vote for him over Trump even if he were in hospice. But we live in a culture where aesthetics tend to matter more than substance, and the president did not appear up to another four years last night. The situation was also compounded by CNN not fact checking Trump's lies in real time. Biden won on policy but I don't think many people were listening because of his appearance and delivery. It is a difficult situation.

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Wish I could agree. The American people may see Trump for who he is but this will come down to electoral college votes in a few key states - 2016 all over again. Tough times for America.

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You nailed it. Biden could not have appeared more fragile and confused if he had tried. Unfortunately, our elections are popularity contests and Trump, as compromised and evil as he is, appeared to be the more vital and competent candidate. Is it too late for Democrats to offer another candidate - I don't know.

With an election this close, Trump is up and Biden is down; if people voted today Trump would win, in my opinion. We're way past "the lesser of two evils" at this point - Democrats have about six months to shore up our democracy before a potential Trump second term.

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You never know how these things will go. The poor showing could prompt more democrats to vote - out of fear.

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The quiet scarier part now is how the performance might undermine the perception of the strength of the United States itself among both friend and foe if Biden remains in office. I’m really having a hard time extending the benefit of doubt that those around him genuinely resigned themselves to the idea that Joe was still the only hope of forestalling the reemergence of Trump. But if the Magates still marched to victory by sticking with their guy even after Access Hollywood+....? It seems so long ago that at 62, Eisenhower was among the oldest ever to have been elected president in 1952 and was 67 to begin his second term. (Of course, old arrived younger then.) Especially after Ike’s second term stroke, he sometimes appeared doddering and confused, although some feel feigned confusion was actually a strategy, and at minimum the shortest route to not giving away state secrets. Despite the many failures of his second term having contributed at least somewhat to the election of “a new genersation of Americans,” in retrospect people observe how sharp his thinking still was on so many important issues (military industrial complex?), and after all was said and done, he was cerebral enough to have advised Nixon not to debate JFK with or without makeup (lessons learned)? Your suggestion for alternates is astute – although I’m not sure I could ever bring myself to vote for Kimberly Guilfoyle’s ex – no matter how ex that might be. :) As to the other dilemma, can anybody find a way to persuade Harris to run again for VICE president with whoever tops the ticket?

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Jesus, Mary and Joseph, as my dear old mum would say. What a cock up.

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J.B. hits the nail on the head..mostly.

I believe it's too late for Biden to step aside. I'm NOT a racist, but I don't think Kamala Harris has what it takes to be the leader of the free world. As for all the rest, we just don't have the time to vet them all. And so, it is my (not highly regarded) opinion, that we are stuck with the plans as first laid out. Vote, vote, vote, my friends. Keep tRump out of the White House and VOTE Biden in. We must keep our eye on the target and not be distracted. We are not Chicken Little, the sky is not falling! tRump clearly had his shit as tight as he could get it Thursday night and Biden, for whatever, did not. BUT, that changed nothing. Lies are lies and facts are facts. I vote we stay the course and vote Biden. Do not switch horses in the middle of the race. Especially when we haven't had time to examine the other horse's teeth.

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Jim Bob, because of your opening quote—a wonderful one, BTW—I've got the Deep Purple song, "Burn," in my head. A great earworm!

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I didn't watch the debate but plan to watch clips at some other time. I did indulge in BlueSky about halfway through or so and I could tell based on comments that either he was "just dealing with his stutter and a cold" or "he needs to be in a long term memory care facility" and there was no in between.

At this point, I don't see him stepping down, that time has passed. We can only hope enough voters don't want a repeat of 2016-2020 and will vote accordingly and maybe Biden will resign in 2025 and let Kamala have the remaining years. It should be her to step up if he were to step aside before the election but too many people are racist, even Dems, and despite having Obama for 8 years a black woman running against Trump will likely assure a Trump presidency again.

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