FWIW my prediction is that should the ultimate disaster of Trump being elected occur, he will last no longer than his inauguration after which the GOP will “suddenly” discover that he is unfit to govern and insert Vance. Peter Thiel didn’t invest all those $millions for nothing.

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I have wondered about this also. What a nightmare

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Hard to know which would be worse. Both are ghastly and very dangerous in their own special ways, Trump because he is stupid and cunning, and Vance because he is bright and amoral.

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Should Trump win, the GOP will very quickly anoint him King and let the addled old fart do what he pleases while JD and others get to work on Project 2025.

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That is my bet. Please god we never find out.

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As absurd as the Orange Mad King's fantasy is, it denies a reality that is far more obscene. Mommy kisses Jimmy on the head as he walks out the door, and then hours later must identify his bullet-shredded body after yet another mass school shooting. Ask the parents in Uvalde which scenario they most fear. Or the Sandy Hook parents. Or the Marjory Stoneman Douglas families. These are violations of human decency and civilized behavior that J.D. Vance considers a "fact of life" and Donald Trump says "we have to move on" from.

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Great piece!

Someone needs to put him out to pasture!

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My concern is that I'll take Fido to the vet and he'll come back as Fifi. Next they'll take our dogs and turn them into cats. If they do it to our kids, they can do it to our pets and if they do it to our pets it is really really bad. I can't allow a country to do that to us, the 67% that, by the way, is a majority in many states which is almost all of them, and we should not have to live in a world like that. Simply put, it's called communism and it's going on overseas and in New York and California. Probably Massachusets, Masachewsits, Manachevitz...Maine, definitely Maine. Think about that America when you go to vote and then the election is stolen.

Gray goo, indeed.

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It is all so pathologically putrid. And the worse he gets and the clearer it becomes that even losing the popular vote nationally which he will surely do, we may still be stuck with him due to the electoral college and the corruption of the Republican Party, well, on some days it leaves me close to despair. 😞 on other days I just hope desperately that these types of stories, gender reassignment surgery on children in school, immigrants eating their neighbors pets, etc will turn off any undecided voters. I have a feeling we will be bombard with more of the same in next six weeks. So much stress. 😞

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The astonishing thing is Trump says these absurd and completely disconnected statements in public, repeats them, and he still has followers. These aren’t secretly obtained statements reported by news organizations that his followers can blame on a “liberal” press, this is right from his mouth TO THEM, and they know, or I at least hope they know, that it’s complete horse shit! Astonishing. Makes me more disabused about this country every day.

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