The math of more guns equaling less violence is not supportable statistically. It is, however, a fair way to reduce a growing population. It is merely unfortunate that it is the wrong population being reduced. We should work to elevate white Republican males who happen to be in Texas into the affected statistical pool. My prayers and thoughts are for this.

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Why do people keep putting these people in office is my question? Why, over and over, and over again, and especially AFTER THEY RELAXED gun legislation to practically nonexistence???

Just my own observance of the gun violence in the Dallas/Ft Worth area watching local news the pistol score settling murders and shootings shot up immediately after the open carry law was relaxed so that anyone could carry. It made it so that there was no deterrent to carry a pistol where in the past they at least knew that was trouble if caught, now it didn’t matter. Now you want to settle a dispute, you can walk off with a gun in your pants and pop your ex girlfriend and her friend or whoever you perceive has wronged you and carrying the gun won’t even have a charge. Nuts!

And again, IT’S the VOTERS of Texas Georgia and everywhere who are REALLY at fault! The Abbott’s and Kemp’s are doing the bidding of their supporters, their types are always going to be out there. The only way this will ever end is at the ballot box and I’m afraid it’s going to be a hotter planet than we have now before that ever happens if ever.

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I don’t know the answer to your question. Dumbfounding.

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"Fact of life" and "we need to move on" have replaced "thoughts and prayers" as cowardly, diabolical responses to this insane epidemic of cruelty and violence. "Thoughts and prayers" at least suggested some regret. if not condemnation, of gun violence "Fact of life" is just another version of "move along, nothing to see here."

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Well done, but it still won’t impact legislators to bring about meaningful change they would rather line their pockets with donations from the NRA and Gun Lobbyists

So they maintain the status quo and continue to send thoughts and prayers!

Heads up you can do both!

Bring about meaningful change, and morn the loss of the dead!

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Thank you, Jim. You always compile the facts in a cohesive way.

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