
Also, depressing that we let it happen.

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I wrote three books on Bush, Rove, et. al. The first was "Bush's Brain," and NYT bestseller, followed by "Bush's War for Reelection," and a third, "The Architect: Karl Rove and the Master Plan for Absolute Power." The second book contains the information on Bush and the National Guard.

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Thank you! That's quite a compliment.

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It's disgusting.

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Did you write a book? If yes what is the title, would love to read it.

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Wow 😮 this is the most amazing article I have ever read! Things just finally fit together! Thank you so much ☺️

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Ben Barnes should do everything he can to redeem himself before he dies. Too bad there is no real Hell, but I sure hope he believes in it. His behavior is beyond shameful. The homeless crisis, with mentally ill people being ignored and worse and forced to live on the streets while our society does everything it can to ignore them, is also a product of Reagan. Plus, the crack cocaine plague which our CIA perpetrated upon our black citizens in poor, innercity neighborhoods and the resulting death and mass incarceration thereafter. All a by-product of Iran-Contra and Reagan. And, today, the shameless republican politicians are using CRT to ride (they think) into the Whitehouse. It hasn't stopped. And Mike Wallace being thrown under the bus because of Barnes. Criminals, all of them, harbingers of a Trump era wherein, bailed out and supported by Putin, he laid (lays) further waste to our country and its democracy. Disgusting, like a Murdoch. Destroy a country and millions of lives for a life of luxury and 100's of billions of dollars. Meanwhile, republicans threaten legislative investigations into holding Trump accountable for just one, a minor infraction, against our country and its women. While he's skated for trying to overthrow our government and colluded with our long-time enemy.

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