Jun 2Liked by Jim Bob Moore

Thank you. He must be clearly defeated in November or I am afraid we lose it all. The Constitution, regulations that protect us, free journalism, the truth. History will be rewritten which is horrifying. I don’t know how Cruz. Rubio, Johnson, Abbot, live with themselves. They are not men, but thralls. Disgusting.

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"Thralls," Nice.

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Jun 4Liked by Jim Bob Moore

No one on the right seriously claims Trump is innocent; that is, that he did not cheat on his wife with Stormy Daniels, then cover it up right before the election with a payoff disguised as a bunch of accounting entries. His defenders just think he should not be held accountable for such crimes.

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SCOTUS as a vestigial organ of American democracy...the appendix in the body politic, nice. Anyway, if trump's Voter Alert doesn't get you off your ass to vote, then trump's Brown Shirts' gun barrels will after we lose.

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Jesus! We’re in free fall in Texas. As much as I want Allred to win, and I’m contributing my little contributions to his campaign, I really think there’s no chance of his winning. Remember, ALL of the worms mentioned above have not change one iota since they were first elected, if anything they’ve become more bold in their right wing rhetoric and policies, and they ALL got REELECTED. It’s no wonder they came out and made such dangerous and outrageous remarks supporting the orange Fuhrer, they were given whole hearted permission by the Texas voters!

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Well, if he was hanged for his intelligence, he would die an innocent man.


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Is it possible to dislike Gregg Abbott, Ken Paxton, Ted Cruz, and Chip Roy more than Trump? At least 3 of these humans did not grow up in Texas. Am I mistaken?

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I think, in many ways, they are more disgusting than Trump because they know all that is horrid about him and yet they see his political support among low-intellect Americans, and they want to be close to it. I think Patrick is hoping for an administration job and Abbott is either dreaming of running for prez someday or becoming head of Homeland Security. And, yes, one of them did not grow up in Texas, but to call them humans is to redefine the term.

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He’s the Nazi state. They would be everywhere in our home.

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This shit is so scary 😨.

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No argument from me, amigo.

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Crushed it Jim Bob!!

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