Sep 15Liked by Jim Bob Moore

Glad you had a first hand account of his behavior and were able to draw out of him, without his even realizing or hearing himself, answer you with such a flippant answer. It’s what most all of us have thought about him all along. He never seemed really interested in the job, hell, he couldn’t even make a heartfelt political speech, he always seemed to have that look like grade school kid in a play unsure if he’s getting his lines right.

The callousness of going to war AND cutting taxes seems to be lost on most people and it’s never brought up enough in my opinion.

You nailed it, he’s not going to endorse Harris, defending democracy is probably outside of his box.

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Sep 15Liked by Jim Bob Moore

Thank you for not forgetting 🥲

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Our experience with GWB was a missed opportunity. Had we impeached, convicted, prosecuted, and punished him, would we now be saddled with the Trump cult?

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I’m a bit more clement toward GWB’s President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, that was “...the largest health commitment ever made by any country, now totaling more than $100 billion in more than 50 countries.” (NB: Laura Bush's foundational work in education and women’s health.) But, I’m not ignoring the Iraqi fiasco (his Viet Nam in the desert) and his Laffer economic policies that were more a gusher up than a trickle down.

As far as comparisons go, it’s interesting to make one between GWB and LBJ. True, GWB doesn’t hold a candle to LBJ in legislative capabilities, corruption, and war failures, but GWB does have a soupçon of redemption in his generosity to the third world, and compares to LBJ with his Great Society Programs, many of which we benefit from today. So along with their increase in national debt, an indebtedness to their good programs is owed. I guess it’s the nature of the beast that our imperfections grow in impact the more we grow in power. Talking about beasts, you’re right on about the comparison with trump. There’s none. Trump would eat his own children if it meant his own survival. There is nothing to redeem him. He’s a good reason, or a wish for it in his regard, to believe in hell, and, likely the reason for my more charitable recollections of a lesser of evils.

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I agree with your regard for his AIDS efforts in Africa. It was important and is still resonating on the continent. I'm at a loss, though, to see how W compares in policy to LBJ's Great Society. I personally benefitted from LBJ's policies even though once he got me healthy and educated he wanted to send me to Vietnam for his dirty little war.

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Sadly, too close to the mark.She has all the endorsements she needs. She needs, and we need, votes. This bad dream of a presidential campaign needs to end. This b very uncivil war must stop.

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Bush, the contemptible little sock puppet that fronted for the real owners of the Rangers and conned the citizens of Arlington to pony up for a shiny new stadium that was replaced after less than a generation. A fitting symbol of the times.

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Lest the dark shadows of W. be lost amongst the horrifically dark shadows from Trump, your thoughtful post, Jim, is an excellent reminder. Having said that, on a conscience scale W. doesn’t register, but Trump is on the minus spectrum.

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